Sound Bath Session Event

English / Led by Cherelle Sappleton

Now Screening Online

Sound Bath Session

FREE: Register for your place here

This session is open to all genders. Not suited for pregnant women, those with pace-makers or anyone triggered by sounds.

To close the festival, we're pleased to partner with Mindwalk Yoga’s resident Sound Therapist, Cherelle Sappleton. At the height of the Black Lives Matter resurgence and the COVID-19 pandemic, it felt difficult to unpack what was happening all around us. It still feels this way in many ways, especially for Black and other people of colour worldwide. Some are searching for a space where they can be present, without judgement and obligation. During our festival, we are offering pockets of rest and calm, with the aim of making our wellbeing strand a permanent fixture in all our future programming.

What is a sound bath?
A sound bath is a relaxation technique and meditative experience in which participants 'bathe' in the sound waves produced by the human voice as well as instruments such as chimes, gongs, drums and singing bowls. The instruments used have unique sound signatures that elicit a variety of responses in the mind and body. In Cherelle's sessions, she will be playing Himalayan singing bowls and a beautiful Sun Gong with the aim of inducing a deeply relaxed state. You will be asked to lie down with your eyes closed, although sitting up also works if that's more comfortable, and encouraged to breathe deeply whilst a soundscape is played to you live. All you need to do is listen, relax and receive.


What is Sound Therapy?
Sound therapy is a healing technique that draws together scientific principles of sympathetic resonance and sound frequencies along with entrainment and the psychology of musical intervals to varying therapeutic effect. Depending on the practitioner's interest and training, sessions with a sound therapist can utilise reflection as part of the treatment to address areas the participant may feel needs addressing or wish to explore. Sound Therapy has been proven to help alleviate, stress, anxiety as well as physical pain.

What do you need to enjoy a virtual sound bath?

  • Leave 1-2 hours between eating so a gurgling stomach won’t distract you.

  • Headphones - the better quality means the better experience you will have but that doesn't mean it has to be expensive (anything as step up from i-phone earbuds is ideal). It's recommended that you use headphones rather than a laptop speaker or blasting out of your phone as the precious delicious frequencies are lost since the inbuilt speakers in both of these are just not capable of relaying the full spectrum of sound being played.

  • Jumpers/ layered clothing- it’s important you don’t get cold or too hot as this is likely to bring out of the relaxed state.

  • Somewhere quiet and comfy to lay down where you are unlikely to be disturbed.

  • Blankets and cushions


Past Showings

Sunday 20th November 2022 / 6pm / Online

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About Cherelle Sappleton

Cherelle (She/Her + They/ Them) uses a range of singing bowls and instruments to create a deeply restful sound therapy experience. All you need is plug-in headphones for the best experience. Everyone is invited to join us, members, radical friends, and solidarity partners. Mindwalk Yoga is an online yoga studio led by Black women. Sappleton is a visual artist and melophile living and working in Ramsgate.

Their practice centres on photographic media with an interest in feminist agendas and performance utilising abstraction and surrealist aesthetics. Blending these elements together, the work they make uses the black female body as a starting point to explore and respond to issues of representation, agency and the materiality of photographs via photomontage, collage, moving image and photography. They are also a qualified BAST certified group Sound Therapist at British Academy of Sound Therapy.